Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mmmm, gothic!

The weather here in northern Ohio is freezing, even in the single digits, so on nights like these, all I want to do is curl up under my down comforter and read a nice gothic tale. I found the perfect fit in The Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt.

I love this cover! It's actually from Amazon's UK site, which is a shame, because I'd proudly parade out with this cover.

Amazon's editorial review sums this book up perfectly: Originally published nearly 40 years ago, this gothic classic has been frightening, romancing, and winning fans ever since. Part Jane Eyre, part Rebecca and all good, clean, campy fun, Mistress of Mellyn will keep you tearing through the pages, and looking for copies to lend out to friends.

Martha Leigh is an impoverished gentry lady, who must take up work. She takes a post as a governess at Mellyn, caring for widowed Connan TreMellyn's little girl, Alvean. What I love about this book is the plot: it's not soley focused on the mystery of what happened to Connan's wife, Alice; it's also focused on Martha's daily life and her interactions with various secondary characters.

The Mistress of Mellyn even reminded me a little of Mary Stewart, which is a high compliment! But the highest compliment I could pay is the fact that I woke up this morning thinking, "ooh, time to finish Victoria Holt's book." And then I was sad when I realized I had finished it last night.

Rating: 8.5/10

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